Monday, October 11, 2010

Space Wolves Revision

I am thinking of adding a stronger fire base to my current list after hearing some opinions from other players.  One of the things I had done with my Crimson Fists list was to strip out some of the upgrades on my squads that are just holding objectives and add those points to things that are going to be adding more punch.

In this case, if I cut down my 10 man Grey Hunter squads in Rhinos to 5+WG and downgrade the WG's Powerfist to a Power Weapon, I gain enough points to field much more shooty.  I will also add Logan to make the WG scoring. This will give me more scoring units with punch as well.

New list:
Fists Of Russ 2000PTS

Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf

5 Grey Hunters, 1 Melta Gun,
1Wolf Guard, Power Weapon, Combi Melta
Razorback w/ TL HB

5 Grey Hunters, 1 Melta Gun,
1Wolf Guard, Power Weapon, Combi Melta
Razorback w/ TL HB

5 Grey Hunters, 1 Melta Gun,
1Wolf Guard, Power Weapon, Combi Melta
Razorback w/ TL HB

Wolf Guard x5 (Logan Here), 3x Combi Melta,
Wolf Guardx1, Terminator Armour, Chain Fist, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod (w/ SB)

Wolf Guard x5 , 3x Combi Melta,
Wolf Guardx1, Terminator Armour, Chain Fist, Heavy Flamer
Wolf Guardx1, Terminator Armour, Wolf Claw, Storm Sheild
Drop Pod (w/ SB)

Wolf Guard x5 , 3x Combi Melta,
Wolf Guardx1, Terminator Armour, Chain Fist, Heavy Flamer
Wolf Guardx1, Terminator Armour, Wolf Claw, Storm Sheild
Drop Pod (w/ SB)

Long Fangs x5, 4x Missile Launchers
Laz/Plaz Razorback

Long Fangs x5, 4x Missile Launchers
Laz/Plaz Razorback

Long Fangs x5, 4x Missile Launchers
Laz/Plaz Razorback

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